STOP IT Printable

I think my favorite talk from General Conference a couple weeks ago was President Uchdorf's talk.  I loved how simple it was.  Just "Stop it"
Then I found this awesome printable and had to share it with you all.  Thanks to This is Nick for making it and sharing it with the rest of us!

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Sweet Tooth Recipes

I swear we have no good treats in our house right now. Of course I would love to have a few fun size snickers, stale peeps, or almost anything else even!  But sadly none of those are available (unless I raid the Easter Bunny's stash but that would just create more work :(

So Pinterest here I come....Of course I have a cake and cookie board and a sweet tooth board.  So these are the recipes I narrowed it down to (click on the pictures to take you to the blog posts with the recipes):

Chewy Granola Bars from New Nestalgia
I couldn't make these because I don't have any coconut oil (I don't even know where to get coconut oil :(

Homemade Snickers Bars from
These look  SUPER AMAZING but a little intense and I just don't have the energy for intense these days...Maybe in a couple weeks!

Holy Crap These Are Amazing Cookies from Sticky Gewy Creamy Chewy
If only I had some corn flakes in the house

And the Reese's Peanut Butter Bars from BakerLady
But the winner for today was (drum roll Please!)

Are some cake batter pudding cookies from Chef in Training

Now the only reason these suckers won over the peanut butter bars (not only because they look great) is my hubby would be very happy with me.  He LOVES cake batter flavor.  So to keep him happy and to satisfy my sweet tooth we now are enjoying some lovely cake batter cookies!

So what are your favorite sweet tooth recipes?  I am always looking for some!

My Sorry Attempt at Gender Neutral

Let me start by saying that I don't think anything can be completely gender neutral.  But you can get pretty darn close.  So on Sunday while I was watching/listening to General Conference  I attempted to make a car seat tent that is gender neutral.  I FAILED MISERABLY!

 It is so stinking cute and girly and fun that it just can't be for a boy.  Of course it isn't finished yet, and hopefully it will be before this little one (whatever it may be) joins our family.

I guess my saving grace will be when I add this minky fabric to the back of it (it is from Shannon Fabrics and will be available in my Etsy shop as soon as I find the time to add it there :)  Isn't that fabric totally boy color?!?  I swear it is not girly at all! Right?
 Poor thing if it is a boy.  It is going to be surrounded by all things GIRL. 
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Whats in a Name?

With this baby's birth fast approaching...I am a bit worried.  We haven't picked out a girl name yet.  We have a boy one, but no girl name.

I told my hubby, for my sanity, we needed at least a couple names picked out before we head to the hospital.  He thinks I am crazy of course.  But that OCD side of me just won't give.

A name is an important thing...I don't want my kid to hate their name....
I definitely want my baby to love its name
So whats in a name and do you have any great A name ideas for a girl?  Our other 2 girl's names start with A's and we would like to stick with it if we can come up with one we both like :) 

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