Displaying Children's Art | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Displaying Children's Art

Displaying Children's Art

My awesome sister in law gave my daughters those fun little clip boards for their birthdays last years.  They have been so excited to use them...I just needed to figure out where I was going to hang them up at at.  My oldest loves to draw and I found these cute drawings that she had done.  So I saved them for when I would have the energy to make a wall of art. 

The little turquoise painted frame my daughter made with my dad a year or so ago.  Then my mom let her pick whatever colors of paint she wanted to paint the frame (I think my mom might have over 100 different little bottles of acrylic paint so I am sure it was a really hard decision for her)

I love the way it turned out, but more importantly both the girls always ask me if they can put their art work up. 

PS...I didn't hang the doll.  Promise

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