How to Make Fabric Covered Buttons | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Make Fabric Covered Buttons

How to Make Fabric Covered Buttons

When I was making this flower quilt earlier this week, I needed some fabric covered buttons to finish it off. 
 So I thought I would share how I make them.  They are so easy to make and then you have whatever color of button you need. 

You need some fabric covered buttons.  The bottom part for the button to fit into and the smaller piece that will squish the button down.  They all come in the kit you purchase from the store (joanns or wherever)  I did the 2 inch buttons.  For 2 inch buttons you will need a fabric circle that measures about 4 inches around. 
Place the fabric upside down in the base piece. 

Squish the button top into there
Squish all the fabric down so that you bottom piece of the button can be placed on top. 
Then take your smaller piece of plastic (the blue one for me) and push down onto the button.  You will feel the whole thing seal. 
Pop the button out and VOILA!  You now have a fun fabric covered button. 

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1 comment:

Missy Shay said...

I pinned this! Where did you get the white plastic piece? I bought a kit to make buttons, but it just came with the top and bottom pieces.

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