Cheap Cutting Table | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Cheap Cutting Table

Cheap Cutting Table

I knew when we moved that I needed a table a little taller to cut fabric at.  I also knew that I didn't have much extra money to spend on a nice cutting table. 
So when I was at Joann's, I saw some bed risers clearanced out.  They were only a couple of dollars and they have made all the difference. 
Now I have a cutting table that is comfortable to stand at for hours up on hours! 

The table that I use to cut out on is just a resin 6 ft banquet table.  So the whole cutting table setup cost me less than $30.  Perfect for my budget


Missy Shay said...

My husband was wondering how sturdy it is?

Bonnie and Trish @ Uncommon Designs said...

Ha! I just bought risers for my table to bring it up to a comfy height, too! Mine however are still sitting in the box! Guess I need to hop on it!

avisiontoremember said...

Missy...I haven't had a problem with it. It is pushed up against the wall and that helps. If someone wanted to pull it over they definitely could.

I have been using the table like that since September and it hasn't once fallen or even come close to falling. Hope that helps :)

Allyson McGuire said...

Bed risers are about the most clever little thing ever! Looks great!


Alecia @ ChickenScratch NY said...

I did this in my sewing room and I love it! It's amazing how much of a difference the proper height can make as far as eliminating 'hunch' pain!

Celery said...

TOTALLY stealing this!

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