Fabric Book Pockets or Slings | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Fabric Book Pockets or Slings

Fabric Book Pockets or Slings

So a few months ago when I first started on Pinterest  I found these awesome fabric book shelf pocket thingy's.

I fell in love.  I desperately needed some storage for all my girl's books.  My mom had the perfect fabric in her stash.  So I got to work sewing up a couple of them.

  I used THIS tutorial.  I did make a few changes (don't I always?!?)  I didn't double the fabric since I was using Home Decor fabric which is a lot thicker and heavier.

Other than that I think I kept everything pretty much the same.  I love them.  But more importantly the Girls do too!
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Allyson McGuire said...

These turned out so cute! Thanks for sharing.


Ashley @ Domestic Imperfection said...

I'm so glad you were able to use my tutorial...your slings turned out great! Thanks for the feature (and for letting me know about it!)

Stephanie said...

Great job! I love a nice way to store books.

handmadebyme4u said...

I need these for my boys books!

avisiontoremember said...

You are welcome :)

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

I have always wanted to try these too! Yours turned out absolutely lovely! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

Claire Jain said...

Oh wow! These are so cute. What a great versatile library. Thanks for sharing!

Hani said...

I so want to make book shelves like these, perfect for my little one.. Great inspiration for me:)
Thanks for linking

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