Christmas Dresses | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Christmas Dresses

Christmas Dresses

So I ended up cutting out and starting the girl's Christmas dresses in December.  Then I never had time to finish them.  So now my girls have some awesome New Year Dresses. 

 The dresses were fairly easy.  I used a pattern that I bought from McCalls awhile ago.  The hardest part was making sure that the ruffles didn't get stuck in the bodice while I was sewing.  I didn't do a zipper, but did buttons instead because my machine sews buttons on and does automatic button holes. 



Allyson McGuire said...

Those dresses are so adorable! They look like something I might could actually do. Thanks for sharing!


Unknown said...

Sooo cute! These dresses look great on your girls, and a larger version would even be cute on a grown-up girl. Love them.

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

Your girls are SO lovely! And I adore those dresses!! The ruffle fabric is perfect! Thanks so much for sharing at Oopsey Daisy!

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