Building Rolling Shelves | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Building Rolling Shelves

Building Rolling Shelves

My parents have some really cool rolling shelves made from regular old metal shelves with the wooden flat part.  So for Christmas we asked for our own set. 

I knew that they wouldn't cost nearly as much as the Name Brand Plastic ones that I see at all the big box stores in town. 
I would highly recommend getting the heavy duty metal shelves.  Just make sure that they have wooden flat pieces.  The shelves we got measure about 2 ft wide by 4 ft long and 6 ft tall.  They are also Muscle Man brand.  The other key thing is that it takes 1 1/2 half of those heavy duty shelves to build 1 shelf.  We used the 1 1/2 so that we could have 8 shelves instead of the 5 that come in 1 shelf set.  So if you don't need 2 shelves, then find a friend that would like their own set so that you don't end up having an extra 1/2 of a shelf hanging around. 

Total cost for this project (I am guessing because it was a Christmas gift :) $100/ shelf and $10 for wood.  So around $160 for a nice rolling shelf. 

Then to make the little dividers my dad cut out some 1 inch by 1 inch wood pieces.  Then we decided how far apart we wanted the wood pieces and nailed them down with the nail gun. 

The key to make the shelves rolling is to install your shelves lopsided.  We placed the bolt thingys that stick out 1 higher on the one side than the other.  Also, the other key thing to do is to install your shelves UPSIDE Down so that they is a nice pocket for the cans to stay in instead of rolling off the shelf :)

The other thing we did is the top shelf and the middle shelf are regular shelves.  We did this because the metal upright pieces come in 2 pieces for each upright.  You could rig a bracket to still have shelf rolling but it definitely would be more difficult.

Now thanks to my parents we have an awesome rolling can shelf. 
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Allyson McGuire said...

Wow! That looks amazing! Thanks for sharing!


Karissa@Withourbest said...

This is soooooooooo cool!! I love it!! I don't have enough room in my house, I wish!!

Crafty Tipster said...

Love this idea! Such a great way to ensure that the first can in is the first can out rather than having cans get lost in the dark reached of the closet.

Crafty Mischief said...

Wow! Those shelves are awesome! Now if I can just get my husband to build me some! :)

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