Football Rag Quilt and some Car Seat Covers

I've been busy this last week working on a couple of different custom rag quilts.  Today I finished up a football baby quilt and a orange, green, and brown queen size quilt. 

 I also realized that I am running REALLY low on boy car seat could that be?  Maybe its cause I am always thinking girly.  I just might blame it on having 2 girls and a female dog.  But who knows.  So last week I was able to get a couple back into the shop. 

So at least I have a couple now, right? 

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Newest Pattern: Plus a Name Competition!

 This is my latest quilt.  I am working on the pattern and a not so frilly boy version.  I am in love with the tangerine and hot pink combination! 
 I love the individual scallops!  They were so much fun and I love the Texture it adds to the quilt!
 Plus a fun ruffle for those frilly girls plus some soft minky for the back
So here is the competition now :  I am so not creative with words and need a name for this quilt.  Any ideas?  If I do pick your name, you will receive this pattern for your hard work!

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Building Rolling Shelves

My parents have some really cool rolling shelves made from regular old metal shelves with the wooden flat part.  So for Christmas we asked for our own set. 

I knew that they wouldn't cost nearly as much as the Name Brand Plastic ones that I see at all the big box stores in town. 
I would highly recommend getting the heavy duty metal shelves.  Just make sure that they have wooden flat pieces.  The shelves we got measure about 2 ft wide by 4 ft long and 6 ft tall.  They are also Muscle Man brand.  The other key thing is that it takes 1 1/2 half of those heavy duty shelves to build 1 shelf.  We used the 1 1/2 so that we could have 8 shelves instead of the 5 that come in 1 shelf set.  So if you don't need 2 shelves, then find a friend that would like their own set so that you don't end up having an extra 1/2 of a shelf hanging around. 

Total cost for this project (I am guessing because it was a Christmas gift :) $100/ shelf and $10 for wood.  So around $160 for a nice rolling shelf. 

Then to make the little dividers my dad cut out some 1 inch by 1 inch wood pieces.  Then we decided how far apart we wanted the wood pieces and nailed them down with the nail gun. 

The key to make the shelves rolling is to install your shelves lopsided.  We placed the bolt thingys that stick out 1 higher on the one side than the other.  Also, the other key thing to do is to install your shelves UPSIDE Down so that they is a nice pocket for the cans to stay in instead of rolling off the shelf :)

The other thing we did is the top shelf and the middle shelf are regular shelves.  We did this because the metal upright pieces come in 2 pieces for each upright.  You could rig a bracket to still have shelf rolling but it definitely would be more difficult.

Now thanks to my parents we have an awesome rolling can shelf. 
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Football Applique Rag Quilt

I received an email from a lady that had purchased my football pattern. She sent me a picture of the quilt that she had completed.  I wanted to share it with you all!

 I love this quilt!  My hubby is a huge fan of GB so I love it even more!

Pattern Available HERE

If you have made a quilt, blanket, or anything using A Vision to Remember Pattern you can email it to me or link me to your post.  I would love to see it and even feature it if you would let me :)

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Fabric Book Pockets or Slings

So a few months ago when I first started on Pinterest  I found these awesome fabric book shelf pocket thingy's.

I fell in love.  I desperately needed some storage for all my girl's books.  My mom had the perfect fabric in her stash.  So I got to work sewing up a couple of them.

  I used THIS tutorial.  I did make a few changes (don't I always?!?)  I didn't double the fabric since I was using Home Decor fabric which is a lot thicker and heavier.

Other than that I think I kept everything pretty much the same.  I love them.  But more importantly the Girls do too!
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Zebra Rag Quilts

This week I had 2 of the same orders...weird?  It is one of my favorite blankets to make.  Zebra and Hot Pink.  One I appliqued a monogram on it.  Enjoy!

 Blankets can be found HERE

Christmas Dresses

So I ended up cutting out and starting the girl's Christmas dresses in December.  Then I never had time to finish them.  So now my girls have some awesome New Year Dresses. 

 The dresses were fairly easy.  I used a pattern that I bought from McCalls awhile ago.  The hardest part was making sure that the ruffles didn't get stuck in the bodice while I was sewing.  I didn't do a zipper, but did buttons instead because my machine sews buttons on and does automatic button holes. 


Vintage Airplane Rag Quilts

In the last couple of months I have had the opportunity to make several people airplane rag quilts.  Each one was so different and were lots of fun to make.

The one was very similar to ones that I have made before.  I love the vintage feel of them!

I love the blue, green, and brown color combo

Perfect for a little baby
Etsy Link for Quilt HERE
Etsy Link for Pattern HERE


Tiffany Blue Furniture-Redo

I have been doing so many different projects in the last couple of months but have been so busy that I forget to post them to my blog...Pathetic! 

Earlier this fall I decided that I wanted some turquoise furniture.  I had all the furniture that I really needed in my basement so I got to work painting with my paint sprayer.  I was thinking more turquoise but it came out Tiffany Blue and I LOVE the mistake!
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 This table is now our game table.  It had been our dining table for the last 8 years.  I wanted to make it a little fancier so we added little wooden decals that can be found at Lowe's or Home Depot.  My husband nailed them on with our nail gun, but you could hammer them on as well....
 Then I found a HUGE coffee table and matching end table that were colored on.  They are super sturdy but didn't look good at all.  I LOVE the rope decal and the legs on that thing. 
 We added baskets underneath to help the girls keep their toys organized a little.  That poor table now doubles as their dancing stage, coloring table, building blocks platform, and anything else they can think of. 
Our entertainment center is really Modern looking and I wanted it to feel a bit more fancy so of course we found some more of those wooden decals and nailed them onto the doors.  I Love how all the furniture now has the same feel and brightens the basement.



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