Easiest Ruffling EVER with Elastic Thread | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Easiest Ruffling EVER with Elastic Thread

Easiest Ruffling EVER with Elastic Thread

 There are so many different ways to ruffle fabric, but this is 1 easy way to ruffle fabric easily using elastic thread

I love ruffles...maybe even more than the next person!  I love them so much but I HATE ruffling fabric.  It is so time consuming and I kinda like quick projects that I can fit in between being a mom to my 2 girls...

Plus, I ruffle a TON for my online Shop
Ruffled Elephant Crib Skirt
 Ruffle Crib Skirts
Ruffle Crib Skirt

 Ruffled Flower Rag Quilt:

Ruffle Flower Rag Quilt

So here is how I have made ruffling as easy as a straight stitch:

What you will need:
fabric to ruffle
elastic thread

Hand wind your bobbin with the elastic thread.  I don't pull it tight when I am winding it though. 

Now set your sewing machine to a lower tension number
And make your stitch as long as possible
Then sew....make sure to backstitch (or secure stitch) when you start and finish. 
Then you will get some awesome ruffle fabric...
That fabric is going to be for some really adorable skirts for my girls similar to this:


Kelly @ Run With Glitter said...

I love this!!!! I'd love it if you the Glitter link party! http://runwithglitter.blogspot.com/2011/05/running-with-glitter-9-link-party.html

Amanda said...

Thank you for sharing this! I just found 2 reels of elastic thread and until now had no idea what to do with them until now!

Gonna make me some ruffles!

Mandy from Burkett Blessings said...

Well, that is too cool! Thanks so much for sharing that!!!! I love ruffles too and have GOT to try this!!!!
Thank you!! :-)

Rissa @ Hazel and Honeysuckle said...

Awesome!! I need to try this :D

Chelsea said...

I have tried to do this with my machine and it just wont ruffle! I have read a thousand tutorials and tried every variation of tension and it just wont work. Is it possible my machine just won't do it? I have an inexpensive "starter" machine.

Rita said...

OMG I MUST try this! Thanks for the tip!

Ana Love Craft said...

Super cute! Thanks for sharing great tutorial!
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Hugs from Portugal,

Ana Love Craft

Helen Gullett said...

Thank you for the tip and tutorial! I am a newbie in sewing but this looks good to try :)

Unknown said...

Love the flowers.. so cute.

Paula said...

What a great tip! I've never even heard of elastic thread but will now be looking for it. I love those flowers on the rag quilt!

Danielle said...

This is so cute I would love to be able to sew anything.

Ginger said...

That is a GREAT way to ruffle! I am pinning this to refer for when I finally get my machine fixed! I LOVE sewing!

schulmanart said...

This is a great how-to guide! The finished products look wonderful.

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