FREE PATTERN: Car Seat Cover Pattern | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: FREE PATTERN: Car Seat Cover Pattern

FREE PATTERN: Car Seat Cover Pattern

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I have been asked so many times if I have a Car Seat Cover Pattern.   I finally made myself sit down and make a pattern for it.  (this is not for the tent or the canopy of a car seat, just the inside cover)

 I don't have an umbrella on my car seat.  I don't even know where it would be.  So there isn't the umbrella part in the pattern.  It will be in the pattern when I find myself an umbrella to deconstruct. 

My only request is for you all to give me some feedback on the pattern.  Doing a car seat pattern that is somewhat fitted is really hard to do with all the different styles and sizes of car seats.

So if you use this pattern please let me know how it went for you.  Where your trouble spots where.  Also, any changes that you would like to see made.  If you have any questions, let me know.

I can't wait to see all your different car seat covers that you make.  If you have a car seat tent for your car seat you don't even need the umbrella part.  I found that it just got in the way anyway.  So why waste your time if you are going to have a fun tent on your car seat?

To complete this car seat cover pattern you will need:

NOTE:  Please be aware that if you make the cover you may void the warranty of the car seat. 

Check out all of our quilting, sewing, and rag quilt style patterns

Don't want to make your own car seat tent for your car seat (sorry we are not able to make the seat covers). Contact us over on etsy or email us at

Fabrics available at
The instructions can be found HERE
The pattern pieces HERE


mudflapmomma said...
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Abby said...

Thanks for posting this! I think it looks much easier than deconstucting the orginal cover and sewing a whole new one like I was thinking about doing.

Unknown said...

i have spent hours searching the internet for a tutorial or pattern for a cover for the inside. thanks so much, i will give it a try.

Unknown said...

Must be nice not to care if it is unsafe. Good luck with that.

Laurie said...

You have gotten several comments about how unsafe these are, and yet aren't letting them through. Can't you at least let the concerns be known so that people can decided for themselves if they want to use a potentially dangerous product? Or were you hoping that someone's kid gets hurt?

nmg915 said...

You may want to add a note to remind people to only use flame retardant fabrics :)

mudflapmomma said...

You also might want to let people know these void any and all car seat warranties.

Melissa said...

I think it is great! Anytime you redo something you are doing at your own risk. Thanks for sharing a great pattern.

Unknown said...

Please know that these car seat covers are unsafe to use with a car seat. The original cover is the one that has been crash tested, adding a new cover or replacing the seat cover can affect how your seat works in the event of a crash. If you want to personalize your seat you can add a cute blanket or "shower cap" cover that will not interfere with the original design of the seat. We all want our babies to be safe, why take the chance that they won't be by adding untested products to the seats?

avisiontoremember said...

Emily: this pattern is for a shower cap type car seat cover. It covers the existing cover on the car seat. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Bobbie: The shower cap cover is one that covers the top of the seat and is designed to keep baby warm in winter. It does not touch the interior of the seat or the seat cover and does not interfere with the original design of the seat at all. It is this: Nothing under baby in the seat, it only covers the top of the seat.

Nikki said...

REALLY PEOPLE??? QUIT YOUR GRIPING! how can a piece of fabric reflect the safety of the carseat? I mean it would be differnt if she was telling you to cut some harnessea or something! Geez! if you weren't looking for something like this why did you bother clicking on it! When my daughter was younger, we had to put some memory foam under her cover bc her tail was so boney she git bruises when we wld travel! So, I'm sure that altered the warranty!

Mrs. Smith said...

I also have been searching high and low for a "cover" not replace the exisiting cover. More as a "slip cover" just go over to pull off and wash and replace as I wanted without having to wash the original seat which I believe initself voids the warranty. Just a COVER. Wow, some people can be rude and harsh. I'm sorry if any of them have done so and I sincerely thank you for this toot!

Gabi Cooper said...

I think this is a great pattern, just what I was looking for! I can't believe people are to the point where they are so scared of everything, even about changing the fabric on the car seat... my Lord, help us! Good were the days we didn't even have kids on them! (not really, but really).

Kelley said...

Nikki and Mrs. Smith, several of the people commenting on this are Child Passenger Safety Technicians. We've been through training on car seats, inspected car seat installations, and helped parents install car seats. We're not being rude when we say this is unsafe. We know what we're talking about.

A homemakers nook said...

If you think the pattern is unsafe, then don't use it. I want to know exactly how replacing a car seat cover could change the result of a crash test. Seriously??? That's like saying a child can only wear a certain type of clothing while riding in a car seat to make the car seat effective.

kanani57 said...

Bobbie, I think the pattern is great! @Kelley, safety "technicians" or not, don't be ridiculous!! The cover doesn't change any safety aspect of the seat, it doesn't interfere with anything. Some people just have nothing better to do with their time!

Dana said...

Wow! Anything you do to any product will void the warranty. The companies do that mainly as a way to save their rear ends if something goes wrong and someone decides to sue.... Like the person who sued McDonalds because their cup did say the coffee inside was hot and might burn them... Oh or like the warnings that say don't put electrical appliances in water. Who was the genius who wanted to blow dry their hair in the bath anyway?? It comes down to the companies not wanting to be sued if something happens. Nothing to do with crash testing a certain fabric on a car seat!

Great idea! I plan to give my infant carrier to my sister in law but wanted to replace the cover since it got stained with my daughter.

Rachelle said...

I'm surprised at how many people are commenting on the safety issue of this! How nuts! Did people realise that car seats are only crash tested up to 30 ml/hr? Anything after that, they don't have much protection anyway. And how a slip cover and be unsafe escapes me. I've been thinking on this for a while, and nothing comes to mind. People may be having a problem with this, but I have a problem with those "bundle bags" that go right over the babies face! Really? THAT's okay to use on our babies, but not a car seat slip cover? Really.

creative Mof2 said...

This is exactly what I've been looking for. It is so time comsuming to take the existing covers off and have to make custom pattterns for each seat. Only problem I foresee is many infant seats now have adjustable headrests. I've love a pattern/tut for that.

I'm sorry about the others rude comments. Mrs. Smith is right; if you take the existing cover off to wash it the warrenty is voided. Adding this cover is less of a safety issue than the kid wearing a coat in the seat. One or two layers of cotton aren't going to change anything.

As for flame retardant, the carseats we bought do not have flame retardant fabrics and these were top of the line 2 years ago. If you are really concerned they sell spray coating for this, but I wouldn't want those chemicals near my children.

Thank you for posting.

Angie said...

My carseat has been handed down from a good friend. The seat itself is in fantastic shape and is still within the timeframe to ensure safety, but the cover is worn out and boyish--we are adopting a girl. I was hoping to find a way to replace the cover and this pattern is very helpful.

To you "experts" don't forget that when YOU were babies, carseats (if they existed) were FAR less safe than the ones made today. Get over yourselves. Do you not understand that EVERYTHING you do is up to your own best judgment? If you don't want to recover your child's safety seat, then don't. But leave people alone who do want to show the rest of us how to do it!

Vickie said...

Thank you for sharing your pattern! I look forward to giving it a try! I have a spitter, and as this is our last, I want to keep our new carseat as clean as possible for resale value. Having an extra thin layer of cotton fabric does not alter my opinion on the carseat's safety. It's no different than if I have an extra layer of clothing or not on baby, to me. I'm grateful for this post!! THANKS!

All About the Stergers said...

Thank you for the tutorial! I'm having trouble, though. I can't seem to find the instructions for taping the pattern together! I've kind-of gotten it laid out by looking at the pictures in the tutorial, but it doesn't specify if the pieces overlap at all, or at weird angles...and I can't see the piece connecting 8 and 9. I must be a complete ditz! Please let me know!

Unknown said...

I just wanted to say thank you. I am pregnant with baby number two, who is a boy, and buying all new carseats when we have two perfectly good, and still SAFE ones is ridiculous! I cannot wait to get started on a more boy-oriented cover, since they are both currently pink haha! Thank you!

**Melissa** said...

Yes, I also need help piecing the pattern together! I don't seem to make any sense of it at all, but I must admit I'm a rookie at sewing... please advise!

avisiontoremember said...

There have been a couple of people ask for help on piecing the pattern together. Match up the 1's, then the 2's etc. It is like a puzzle. There will also be several v's made around the edge where you will sew the fabric together to help it fit the car seat better. Also, there are straight lines that are 2-3 inches long that are for the harness to go through. I hope that helps!

Nenny said...

oh grow up

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