Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial

This fun Easter Egg wreath was so much fun to make with my daughter.  She LOVED hot gluing all the eggs.   I even let go of my OCDness for a minute and didn't care so much where each egg went. 

I have had all of the supplies for this wreath for a couple of weeks but finally had time to sit down and help my daughter make it.

Find a piece of cardboard that is flat and then find something that is round (or whatever shape you are wanting) and trace out the shape.
(keep in mind my daughter was taking the pictures :)
Here is our cardboard circle all cut out
Now take your hot glue gun and glue the eggs randomly onto the wreath.  I used 2 packages of 42 eggs to make our wreath.  The wreath measures about 16 inches wide.
Here is our wreath all glued together
Then we tied a nice little bow with grosgrain ribbon onto the wreath.

Beautiful Eh?
Thanks for looking!

Fruit Filled Crepes Recipe

I don't know about you, but my family LOVES to eat crepes.  This my friends is seriously the Easiest, and the best recipe EVER! Their absolute favorite way to eat them is filled with whatever fruit we have on hand. Today it just happened to be strawberry's, pomegranates, and mango's.  Of course we have to top it all off with some whipping cream!
Fruity Crepes Recipe

Butter Cream Frosting

Remember my daughters cake from the other day.  Here is the recipe for the butter cream frosting. 

Buttercream Frosting Recipe for Birthday Cake

I frosted underneath all the fondant and all the decoration on the castle with butter cream frosting.  It was really easy to make.  

Butter Cream Frosting
1/2 c shortening
1 drop butter flavoring
1 tsp vanilla
1 lb powdered sugar
1/4 c water

Mix the shortening, butter flavoring, and vanilla together with mixer of your choice (large batches-Bosch mixer all the way, small batches hand mixer for sure!).  Then slowly add the powdered sugar and water until you get the consistency of whipped butter and whipping cream together.   It will be nice and fluffy.  You can add coloring to it as desired. 

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