12 days of Christmas Countdown Quilt. Advent Calendar | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: 12 days of Christmas Countdown Quilt. Advent Calendar

12 days of Christmas Countdown Quilt. Advent Calendar

Finally!  The Advent Rag Quilt is Finished!  Yippee :)
I used the Easy Peasy Rag Quilt Pattern.  
Instead of cutting out the squares as directed I cut out trapezoids.  They measured 9 inches on 2 sides, then the short side was 9 inches and the long side was 14 inches.  It made the pockets pretty big.  I think next time I make a quilt like this I will do it 9x9x9x12 instead. 

Then on each trapezoid I cut out these adorable vintage fabric snowmen that I received from a church swap. 
For the numbers I cut them out of fabric with my cricut keystone cartridge. 
Then I sewed along the top of each trapezoid so that it would fray.
Then I sewed it together like usual except I did not sew the top of the trapezoid in with the other fabrics so that it would create a pocket.
Here are all the cut outs that my husband and I colored the other day
On the back I wrote what we are doing on that particular day.

My daughter asks me every day if we are going to start with the countdown blanket.  She is so excited for it.



Kara said...

Such a cute idea! And I think I have that exact snowman fabric. I love it!

Ami Allison said...

OH!!! I LOVE it!! It's absolutely adorable Bobbie!!

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

That is AWESOME!!! What a wonderful idea!! This is on the list of things to make next year. ;-)

Laura said...

Absolutely Wonderful.......great job!

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