My Favorite Way to Eat a Turkey for Thanksgiving | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: My Favorite Way to Eat a Turkey for Thanksgiving

My Favorite Way to Eat a Turkey for Thanksgiving

You all know how much I love to cook!  Right?  A couple of years ago I heard of soaking your turkey in kosher salt for 12-24 hours before cooking it.  So I decided to try it.

I made sure the turkey was nice and thawed out.  Then I pulled out all that inside stuff and threw it away (a sin I know, but it really grosses me out).  Then I rinsed the turkey off.

Then I got out my largest pot and the stuffed the turkey in there and rubbed kosher salt all over that turkey.  I put it inside, outside, everywhere I could get salt.  Then I covered the turkey in water (as much as I could).

Now put the turkey in the fridge for 12-24 hours.  Since my turkey was not totally covered in the water I flipped it over halfway through.

The salt will make the water absorb into the turkey so you will have a super moist turkey.  It is SOOO good.

Then when I was ready to cook the turkey I added a couple of chopped up onions, celery, garlic, and apples to the bag.  Put the breast side down for cooking.  Then I cooked it for the appropriate amount of time (I think I found that on the cooking bag instructions or the turkey I really don't remember).  Then when there is an hour left I flipped the turkey over so the breast was up.  This is really difficult because everything is super hot and the juice from the bag is going to splash all over.  It is worth the effort though.  Trust me :)

I won't be making the turkey this year cause we are going to Grandmas house instead.  But I am going to go buy a turkey if the weather will let me and then sometime in the next few months I am going to cook me a super good turkey


Mom of Two said...

I am making a turkey for one of our Tahnksgiving. I think I am going to try your ideas.
-- Jessica

Alyssa Collazo said...

I don't think I've ever cooked my own turkey, we usually spend the Holiday with both families!

Vanessa said...

I know what you mean and happy I am not making it this year either.

Mom Knows Best said...

I keep saying I will try this as I heard it was good. This will be the year I make my turkey this way.

Rich Mom, Rich Dad. Poor Mom, Poor Dad. said...

I am NOT making a turkey this year. LOL I have to work the day before AND the day after (healthcare) but I've brined turkeys before and they're delicious!

Christy G said...

It has been a long time since I have cooked a turkey. I always use the turkey bags and found wrapping it in foil helps keep the juices inside. I also use apples and 3 sticks of butter if the turkey is over 16lbs

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I'm saving this recipe for sure!!!

Hun.... WFD said...

What an awesome looking Turkey! You are being featured over at Simple Supper Tuesday, this week. I hope you can join us again, starting at 8pm EST, on Monday.

Unknown said...

We LOVE brining our turkey. You just can't beat it. Thanks for linking up to Show Me Saturday!

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