Dr. Seuss Christmas Trees = Awesome Kids Craft | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Dr. Seuss Christmas Trees = Awesome Kids Craft

Dr. Seuss Christmas Trees = Awesome Kids Craft

Remember yesterday?  Those fun trees?  If you don't go HERE

Well I sat down with extra fabric from my halloween daughters costume 
It was fleece fabric.  In a nice BRIGHT lime green.  I am so glad that I found it while we were cleaning up after the tornado last week ripped through the basement 

First, I cut out a bunch of different circles.  You know me...no the circles were not perfectly round by any means.  They were all just guesstimates.

Then my daughter put a dab of glue in between each layer of fabric.

Then she glued on random beads all over the trees...as you can see she is such an artist!

Last night as we were laying in bed she told me that making those trees was a lot of fun and thanks mom.

That totally made my day!   I LOVE being a mom.  Best thing ever (most of the time)


Beth J. Beal said...

Very Seussical!

red road studio said...

What a happy find! I love how makers are so generous with their knowledge and demonstrate to us 'how to do' - love it! Jay

Anonymous said...

love your cute blog! i am your newest follower. i added your linky button to the bottom of my blog!


Pamela said...

So adorable. The color makes me smile. And it warmed my heart that you are making time for your daughter--speaks highly of your mothering care.

Emily Thompson said...

So fun! I totally want to make these now!

HRANDICA said...

This is really great!
Hugs from Germany.

EllensCreativePassage said...

They turned out so cute!!!

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