Zucchini Bread | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Zucchini Bread

Zucchini Bread

I LOVE Zucchini bread. So do my girls. Even my baby luvs it for her snack in the afternoon.

This recipe with make 2 loaves:

Zucchini Bread

3 eggs 1 c oil
2 c sugar 3 c flour
2 c peeled and grated 1 tsp baking soda
zucchini 1 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon 3 tsp vanilla
Mix together. Bake at 350 for 1 hour.


cfoxes33 said...

Looks delish. It sounds close to the recipe my grandmother handed down to me.

Michele {The Scrap Shoppe} said...

Yum! We love zucchini bread in our house. Though once we had cucumber bread by mistake. (Apparently my husband can't tell the difference between the two - still yummy though!)

Anonymous said...

Great blog! I am now following as a result of Blog Frog.

Mama Sunshine said...

Sounds soooo yummy, I am now wishing hubby left me the car today so I could run to get some Zuchinni (unfortunately we have a new home and have no garden YET!). I grew up on zuchinni bread, banana bread, etc.. yumm-oh! I am going to be trying a new recipe for chocolate cake from scratch this evening.. hopefully it isnt as terrible as the last one we tried!

Caitlin "Mama Sunshine" from Sunshine to Starshine sunshinetostarshine.blogspot.com

(was connected to you from new friend fridays @ the trendy treehouse)

..... said...

So crafty...so cute...I love this blog.

Anna Sams said...

I love your blog and follow every week! I also love Zucchini bread !!! I added your button to my blog and I would love for you to come by and link up to my party! I am doing more and more every week.. It is a process, but a wonderful and fun one! Thanks for sharing the recipe! Your friend and follower... Anna @ Moon River

Anonymous said...

Hey there your newest follow....great creations...Kat

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