Annual Humanitarian Quilt | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Annual Humanitarian Quilt

Annual Humanitarian Quilt

Every year our community gets together to make school bags, stuff childrens toys, donate quilts, and eat soup. It is a great time to serve others and to come together as a community and bond.
This year I was a little short on time so I did a quick fat quarter twin size quilt.
To make the quilt:
I cut 20 squares that are 18x18 inches wide. I wanted them to be square, but this would work just as well if you used fat quarters.

Then I sewed all the squares together.

My mother in law helped me tie the quilt

Then I used a full size flat sheet for the backing. Which made the binding really easy

I just folded over the sheet and sewed it down. I know that is not the "proper" way to do things, but it works just fine for me.


Kim's Treasures said...

It's great and the recipient will really appreciate it whether you made it the "right" way or not! They will be warm this winter!

Giveaways for Mom said...

Following from Welcome Wednesday! Hope you'll visit me at :)

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