Rice Pudding | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Rice Pudding

Rice Pudding

image borrowed from here

I love rice pudding. My family often refers to it as Maggot Stew. I really don't care. It is just so good.

This is my family's recipe. My grandma has used this recipe, my mom has used this recipe, and now I use this recipe:

Rice Pudding
1/2 cup rice
1 quart milk
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 c sugar

Mix all together in a oven safe bowl. Milk tends to boil over if there is not enough room in the bowl to hold it all in so make sure to use an overly large bowl for this. If you are still worried about it boiling over then just place it on a cooking sheet to make cleanup a bit easier if it does boil over. Bake at 275 for 3 hours

I am not really a fan of it hot, but man it tastes good chilled. This last batch that I made I hid all of it from my family so that I could savor it over a few days. I just barely finished it off and now I am definitely going to be making me another special batch


Tasha said...

Mmmm. I love rice pudding.

Emily Thompson said...

mmmm, I love it too and have never made it... I may be inspired to now...

Cori said...

yummm! That looks absolutely deliciious!!

I'm loving your blog, what a crafty lady you are! I'll definitely be back!!

Stopping by and following you from Twee Poppits Follow Me Tuesday! I'd love it if you stopped by my blog too - http://corisbigmouth.com

Jingle said...

Do you start with cooked rice or dry? I love rice pudding!

avisiontoremember said...

I start with dry rice. Thanks so much for clarifying that for me :)

Teauna said...

I have always really enjoyed homemade rice pudding! I can think about it and my mouth waters! This recipe is one that I will definately be trying!


Netti, Dev, and Bella said...

I have to say I was at your house yesterday and I can not believe you DID NOT offer me any!!!!! RUDE!!!!:) I like mine warm.....

avisiontoremember said...

I would have but I ate it ALL BY MYSELF before you even showed up. lol

Unknown said...

Do you cover the pot when you make it? Can't wait to try it!

avisiontoremember said...

I didn't but I know my mom does. I know that doesnt help much :)

Unknown said...

hhmmmm... it's delicious. I will try it!

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