peach mellow | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: peach mellow

peach mellow

This is a favorite family recipe of ours. Right now where I am from peaches are really getting to be ripe and perfect for this great recipe.

Peach Mellow

Image was borrowed from here

1 package small marshmallows
1/2 cup milk
1 pint of whipping cream
1/3 cup butter
graham crackers (crushed) you need enough to cover the bottom of your pan

Melt the marshmallows and milk in the microwave. Then place in fridge to cool down. Whip the whipping cream until peaks form.

Melt the butter and add to the graham crackers and squish onto the bottom of to make a nice crust.

Peel and slice the peaches and place on top of the crackers (there really is no set amount just however many you would like.

When the marshmallow mixture is cooled then add the whipping cream and fold together.
Then pour over the top of the peaches.

The above picture is one I borrowed from a website, and if you did not notice the items are in a different order. It really would not matter either way. Also if you have extra graham crackers you can sprinkle over the top of your marshmallow mixture.

Today I made some of this dessert, but I did not have any graham crackers so I crushed chocolate covered flake cereal. It was delicious. This recipe would also work with other fruits. So give it a try

If you love to cook then I am looking for contributors for a 30 day Food Challenge. For the month of August I will be making 30 different meals and none of them the same. If you want to join it let me know. More details can be found right here

Thanks again for swapping blogs with me and make sure to stop by tomorrow and link up to Check ME Out Saturday Link Party Have a great day!


Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

Can't wait to try this one too! Thanks for the recipe!

amieggs said...

wow that looks really good!!!
I'll be saving this one =D thanks!!!!

Ott, A. said...

That looks great. Fresh peaches taste soooo good in the summer.

Kara said...

This looks so yummy! Our peaches are just starting to come on, so I'll have to give it a try.

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