Candy Themed Baby Shower | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Candy Themed Baby Shower

Candy Themed Baby Shower

A really good friend of mine adopted a baby recently and we threw her a baby shower. I just HAD to decorate with candy. I have been wanting to for a really long time all I needed was a party :)
I just used random bowls and vases that I had and filled them up with candy from the bulk bins at Winco. For the larger bowls I put a cottage cheese container inside so that I did not have to fill the entire jar up with candy. It worked out really great.
To create the height I used boxes, Styrofoam, and books. Then I covered with 72 inch square tablecloths that I use for wedding decorations (pieces of fabric would work very well also)

Those large lollipops my Mother in Law found at Fred Meyer for $1.00 a piece. I looked at our local candy shop and the same ones were over $5 a piece.
I just love those large gummi butterflies. I really did not know how I would use them, but I just HAD to get them. They are so cute I have not even tasted one to see if they are any good

I have often found that when I decorate with food/candy that the guests will not eat it. So if you decorate like this plan on taking most of the decorations home with you :) I ended up giving 1/2 of it away to some of my family so that I would not eat it all this week (which may or may not have happened with the remainder of the candy :)


Bellatrix and Narcissa said...

It was so pretty, I loved it!! Thanks so much for decorating!!! :)

Unknown said...

Man, I wish I would have gotten a candy themed shower! During both my pregnancies I became a candy JUNKIE!
too cute =)

Laura said...

This is adorable!! I love the large bowls of candy...what a great trick!

Bird said...

Ooooooh Bobbie!!

I also have candy on my mind at the moment!! :)

My kindda party!!

Thanks for linking up!

All my love,

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