Candy Themed Baby Shower

A really good friend of mine adopted a baby recently and we threw her a baby shower. I just HAD to decorate with candy. I have been wanting to for a really long time all I needed was a party :)
I just used random bowls and vases that I had and filled them up with candy from the bulk bins at Winco. For the larger bowls I put a cottage cheese container inside so that I did not have to fill the entire jar up with candy. It worked out really great.
To create the height I used boxes, Styrofoam, and books. Then I covered with 72 inch square tablecloths that I use for wedding decorations (pieces of fabric would work very well also)

Those large lollipops my Mother in Law found at Fred Meyer for $1.00 a piece. I looked at our local candy shop and the same ones were over $5 a piece.
I just love those large gummi butterflies. I really did not know how I would use them, but I just HAD to get them. They are so cute I have not even tasted one to see if they are any good

I have often found that when I decorate with food/candy that the guests will not eat it. So if you decorate like this plan on taking most of the decorations home with you :) I ended up giving 1/2 of it away to some of my family so that I would not eat it all this week (which may or may not have happened with the remainder of the candy :)

Coconut Cookies

Today I am going to share with you how to make some delicious cookies. These were one of my favorites growing up. The other day I asked my mom for the recipe and made myself a batch.

Let me just say that they are A--MA-ZING
Coconut Cookies
1/2 cup butter
2 cups sugar
2 egg whites
3 tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp Karo Syrup
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 cups flour
3 cups coconut
1 cup white chocolate chips

Cream butter, sugar, and eggs. Add karo syrup, vanilla. Add baking powder, salt and flour. Fold in coconut and white chocolate chips. Bake at 350 till golden brown.

The chocolate chips were not original to this recipe...they are my little surprise. I love the combination of coconut and white chocolate. Another note is that this batter is really crumbly. I think when I make it next time I will only add 2 1/2 cups flour, but I have not tried it yet so I don't know how it will work for sure.

Queen Size Rag Quilts

This is what I have been slaving over the last several weeks. These are both custom orders for a customer. Both are queen size. One is for her son and the other is for her daughter. They were lots of fun to make!
queen size rag quilt comes in orange, green, leopard print, and brownThis fun queen size rag quilt comes in orange, green, leopard print, and brown. I used the Easy Peasy Pattern from my etsy shop. The pattern is made specifically for a car seat tent but with a little editing you can make any size of blanket that you want.

queen size rag quilt comes in orange, green, leopard print, and brown
Rockstar queen size rag quilt comes in pink, black, zebra, and white, polka dotsThis Rockstar queen size rag quilt comes in pink, black, zebra, and white. I love all the polka dots. To Much Fun. It is perfect for the girly girl.
Rockstar queen size rag quilt comes in pink, black, zebra, and white, polka dotsThe wind was blowing tons while I was trying to take pictures, such is life living in Idaho.

Fathers Day Gift Idea

Sorry all...I forgot to take pictures of my dads fathers day gift. So imagine with me :) I went to Harbor Freight (there are quite a few in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming) and purchased my dad a bunch of mini tools for the grandkids to help him out with. I know that Home Depot and other hardware/tool stores sell mini/stubby tools.

My dad is very hard to buy for. He buys what he wants and needs, but I knew that he would never buys tools for the grandkids to help him out with. I don't think he even knew some of these tools existed. My dad loves having them help him fix things in the yard and on the farm.

I gave him the gift yesterday because he will not be in town on his birthday and he LOVED it. But more importantly all the kiddos loved it. My daughter cannot stop asking me when she can help grandpa fix things.

The set included:
  • stubby hammer
  • mini wrench set
  • small tape measure
  • small ratchet (1/4")
  • sockets for the ratchet
  • small adjustable wrench
  • small level
  • small thing of electrical tape
  • set of small pliers
  • set of vice scripts (I am not sure how to spell them but they are like adjustable wrenches but they lock in place)
  • screw driver (with many little bits)

This is also a great idea for your little boy or tom boy girl :)

Ruffled Flower Rag Quilt Pattern

ruffled large flower rag quilt pattern

FINALLY! I have the rag quilt pattern finished for you all. This is a really fun Ruffled Flower  Rag Quilt Pattern. It is my way of thanking you all for following me on this journey of mine.
ruffled large flower rag quilt pattern
I was inspired by the big flowers that I have been seeing popping up around blog land. I showed my mom this blanket the other day and her response was "I just saw a purse with a flower just like that and I want one."

I did not do this pattern as a tutorial like I have done in the past, but did it the same as the patterns that I sell in my shop
ruffled large flower rag quilt pattern

To download the pattern go HERE  

ruffled large flower rag quilt pattern

Let me know how you like the pattern and I would love to see pictures of your quilt using the pattern. Now get SEWING

ruffled large flower rag quilt patternI will be adding this blanket to my shop in the and you can find it here

Also, please only use this pattern for personal use. Do not copy the pattern and sell it as your own. Also you are more than welcome to make and sell this blanket (just not the pattern) Thanks for understanding

Primary Talk for Sunbeam

Yesterday my 4 yr old (she is a Sunbeam) was asked to give a talk in Primary. She was really excited! For those of you that don't know, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. For more information you can go here

I wanted to make to have my daughter give her talk basically by herself. This method will work for just about anyone in anything.

We went over her talk only 4 or 5 times and she was able to give the talk mostly by herself. I was so proud of her.

To view her entire talk (and the cheat sheet) go here. The above picture is 1 page of the talk without any of the parental helps.

And yes I do have your promised blanket pattern almost ready. I just have not been able to get pictures of it yet. The weather here has been really rainy and windy. So weather permitting (it is supposed to be nice tomorrow) I will have a new pattern for you on my blog tomorrow

I Spy Baby Block Tutorial

This is my blog post that I shared with Oopesy Daisy Readers yesterday. I thought you all would enjoy seeing it.

This is a fun I Spy Baby Block that I whipped up in just a few minutes (ok maybe 1/2 hour)
You will need 6 square pieces of fabric. Mine are 5 inches. Also, if you are wanting to to add the appliques you can find them here.
I used 4 appliques.
Raw edge applique the animals onto the squares that you would like them on. Sew about 1/4 inch away from the edge of the applique.
Sew the squares together like in the picture above. Repeat with the 3 remaining squares.
Then sew the squares together as above
Now sew the 2 separate 3 square sections together. Notice that I sewed the sections together wrong. 2 of the animals ended up being upside down...
Sew them together all the way around so that you have a block. Make sure to leave a small hole to turn the block right side out.
Turn the block right side out

Now stuff the block with batting or really small fabric scraps
Sew the hole closed with a needle and thread. I hate doing this part, but remember that the smaller hole you leave open the less you have to sew back together :)
Now try and take pictures of your block...this is my failed attempt. The wind blew the block over the railing and my dear 4 year old saved it for me. Man I love that girl
Now you have a really fun I spy block.
Make sure to stop by and tell me hi


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