Pleated Headband | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Pleated Headband

Pleated Headband

Today I am going to show you how to make a fun and beautiful Pleated Headband. This is the same headband I made for last Fridays blog swap if you missed it.

I love a pleated beautiful headband.
Super easy to make plus it looks really great
Heres how to do it:
You will need a hot glue gun, a headband, ribbon (I used satin 5/8). I would use ribbon that is wider than your headband for a cleaner look

Line the inside of your headband with ribbon

Now start pleating the ribbon. Do it by hot gluing it down as you go.

Then when you get to the end of the headband cut the ribbon about an inch. Fold it over hot glue to the inside of the headband.
Look how awesome the headband looks. It looks great by itself.
Or even better with a pretty flower


mego said...

That is a cute idea. I might have to try it for my daughter. Thanks for sharing.

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

This is gorgeous, Bobbie!! Your adorable baby blocks tutorial is up on Oopsey Daisy. This is fabulous! Thanks again for being a part of Baby Week!!

More Than "Just Mom" said...

I love this! I just put it on my to-do list for tomorrow!

allthingsnew said...

I think maybe even I could do this :) Thanks for such clear instructions!

I am now following you from TTA! Please stop by and check out my site!

Elizabeth said...

Following you! Please follow me back

Happy Tuesday!!

stash mama said...

Heyy I am your newest follower!!! I would loove a follow back!!
Thanks :) super cute headband!

Turning the Clock Back said...

I wish I was that creative!

Stopping by from the Tuesday Tag-along. Come follow me back if you get the chance!


Stephanie R. said...

Ohhh how cute!! Im going to have to make one for me AND my daughter during naptime today!

BrettBMartin said...

stopping by from TTA!!

Anonymous said...

Great job on the headband. I have no such talent, unfortunately. lol

Following along now from Tuesday Tag a Long. Check out my blog and follow if you can.

MrsPhilipswithoneL said...

Following you from Tuesday Tag-a-long

MrsPhilipswithoneL said...

Following from Tuesday Tag-a-long

Heather McCurley said...

Just visiting from BCD and wanted to say Hi! I love the pleated headband.

Erica said...

Wow, I found you from BCD. LOVE your site!

Kelli said...

I have 3 girls so i can already tell I am going to love your blog! Following you from TTA.
Check out my blog and follow me back.

X said...

Adorable, it looks super easy too!

Jessica @ Me and My Bucket said...

Thanks for linking up to my party, SOOOO CUTE ... I don't see any mention of my party anywhere on your blog. Am I just not seeing it? Please let me know. thanks!!

Diane said...

Great tut and cute, cute headband. Thanks for the inst.

I came here via Penny Pinching Party. Visit me sometimes over at Pittypat Paperie.

~L~ said...

very cute headband! love your DIY style

fashion DIY @ avidaccents.blogspot

Andrea said...

Love the pleats!

Andrea @

Unknown said...

Fabulous! I actually love wearing hair accessories especially headbands. I think I'll take your tutorial and make one with other embellishments on it!

Unknown said...

How adorable!

Again, thanks for joining the Link Up this week.

Jamie @ Huckleberry Love said...

Very cute!! Thanks for sharing this with us at Much Ado About Monday!


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