How to Sew a Minky Baby Blanket with Satin Ruffle Binding | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Sew a Minky Baby Blanket with Satin Ruffle Binding

How to Sew a Minky Baby Blanket with Satin Ruffle Binding

This baby blanket is super soft. I made it with zebra print minky fabric and fluffly baby pink minky. I also used satin fabric to create a boutique ruffle.

I finally gave in and bought a camera after I lost my last one. I just got in on Wednesday and have not had much time to play with it. It is a point and shoot olympus stylus 7030. So far it has been working really great. I had a camera similar to this one before so I already know the basics of it which makes it easier.
zebra minky pink cloud minkee fabric baby blanket with ruffle black and white and pinkI have had this minky fabric for awhile and was saving it for a special project.  I just didn't know what it would be yet!

zebra minky pink cloud minkee fabric baby blanket with ruffle black and white and pinkYesterday I finally bought some satin fabric to do the ruffle. This blanket measures about 30x30 inches. So 30 inches of fabric made 2 blankets (minky measures about 60 wide).

zebra minky pink cloud minkee fabric baby blanket with ruffle black and white and pink
To learn how to make this adorable quilt you can purchase the pattern at A Vision to Remember Shop

Or you can download the pattern for free HERE


livinginbetween said...

That is fabulous! Please don't come and see my pathetic sewing attempt that I was so proud of a few minutes ago. ;)

Stopping over from blogfrog. I look forward to poking around a bit!

Anonymous said...

Cute blanket! It is darling - and your plants are doing so well. I am a little bit jealous - i wish I had started my plants!

cfoxes33 said...

That is the softest looking pink blankey.

Unknown said...

Stopping by & following from Follow Me Friday. I'm linking up tomorrow! See you then.

Ron Cooper said...

Following now, please return the favor--I'm No. 402!

My latest postings are, “Smiles,” “Spring,” “A Feast,” “Love Lifts,” “Wake Up to Serve” and “Soul-itude.”

Wendy said...

I'm here following from Follow Friday! Love your frugal necklace holder!
I blog to encourage and mentor younger moms, women in general, and written on things like Hospitality, Love and Marriage (Mondays) and Recipes (a series on each)! Hope you'll come by for a visit!
Faith's Firm Foundation

Joy@Thrifty Parsonage Living said...

I'm visiting your blog from the button swap blog hop. You have made very cute blankets and other handmade items. I've added your button on my blog. Come on over and visit mine and grab my button.

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful
Hi, there, visiting from Friday Follow. I am brand new to this and also have a brand new blog at
I am now your newest follower and look forward to your updates. Would love if you could drop by my blog.

I'm a full-time mummy said...

Greetings from Malaysia! I'm visiting from the BSBH party and I've just grabbed your button and post it in my sidebar under "I Swapped Buttons with..."

Hope to see you over in my blog soon! :D

Great blog btw! Will be back to check out more! :D

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Love the fabric combination. Thanks again for joining the Sunday Showcase Party! I greatly appreciate it! Hope you are enjoying your weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn

crush. blog said...

we LOVE minky fabric - these are gorgeous!!

CraftyMummy said...

I love the idea of a ruffle around the edge - very girly!

Kaysi said...

Ooooooh!!! I love this blanket, it's super cute!

Closet Crafter said...

Fabulous blanket! Just makes you want to cuddle up to it!

Expressions by Heather said...

Oh, my LORD- LOOOOVE it! It's gorgeous! Decadent, soft, squishy.. I want one for myself!!

Thank you for linking up with Talented Tuesday!

Amy @ Positively Splendid said...

LOVE everything about this - the colors, the fabric, the ruffle. Absolutely marvelous!!

Sew Can Do said...

Very cuddly. I just love that swirly minky. Thanks for linking it up to Craftastic Monday!

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

Very cute and sassy! :)

Misty @Creative Itch said...

Love it!! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

I ADORE the pink with the zebra. It looks so soft and cuddly. Maybe someday I will have a girl {sigh} Thanks for linking up to Baby Week!!


Anonymous said...

Love how it turned out! I've got a whole pile of minky that I can't wait to use. I need more time in the day!

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