How to make your own Fondant With Marshmallows

Today I want to share with you all how to make Fondant using ingredients from your panty {and the main ingredient being Marshmallows, so you know it will taste GOOD}.

marshmallow fondant wedding cakeFondant is really easy to work with, but the real stuff is nasty...that is all that there is to it. It does not taste good.
fondant recipe

fondant icingFondant Recipe:

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1 bag marshmallows
1 2 lb bag of powdered sugar
1 tsp coconut flavoring
1 tbsp water

melt the marshmallows, coconut flavoring, and water in the microwave. Then in a mixer (Bosch is my favorite) add the powdered sugar. Make sure to add it slowly. You want the fondant to be the texture of dough. A little on the sticky side.

I made some fondant in Arizona and I used about 1/2 of the bag, but in Idaho I use 3/4 of the bag.

pile of fondant made from marshmallows before being kneadedThis is the fondant all mixed up. After you have made the fondant put it in some press and seal or an airtight bowl. Let it sit for about 10 minutes so that the sugars can all dissolve. Then you can start to work with it. If you have extra or need to wait awhile before using it, put it into the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Then when you are ready to use it put it in the microwave for a few seconds and you are ready to play again.
Fondant rolled out using marshamallow fondant recipe
I like to use a fondant roller, fondant smoother, and detail tools for cutting and shape making

Butterfly birthday cake with fondant for girl (pink and blue)If you want to dye the fondant just knead the food coloring into it.
How to make a butterfly shape cake with a 9x13 cake pan
To make the butterfly shape I baked a cake in a 9x13 pan.  Then I cut a square off of it.  The end piece of the cake is what I used for the butterfly body.  The ears are pieces of fondant squared up.  

The possibilities are endless with fondant. I often make cupcakes and fondant when I am watching kids. It is just like play dough. Soft and pliable

For more information on fondant and other types of frosting go HERE  

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How to: Make a Piggy Bank from a Formula Can

If you are like me, then every time you have a baby you end up with a bajillion formula cans.  This is a simple piggy bank that I made from a formula can for my daughters

baby formula can repurpose makeover Me and my 4 year old created this little wonder today. I have not thrown away any of the jars of formula from the baby. There are so many things that you could do with these cans.

Here is how we did it:

For the lid I cut out a circle a little bit smaller than the lid. Then I used my finger to "emboss" the outline of the lid. It was really simple, and then I had an outline for the lid.

simple formula can diy scrapbooking paper flowers piggy bank idea

cut slit in the formula can top for moneyThen I cut it out and hot glued it onto the lid (notice it is not perfect, but you will cover that up later. Then I cut out a small rectangular hole out of the lid with my exacto knife.
Decorate formula can for bankThen I measured the height of the can and cut the paper and hot glued it onto the can. It took 2 strips of paper to cover the entire can
Then we embellished the can with some flowers and some letters and some ribbon.

decorating lid of formula can for childs bankTo finish off the lid, I hot glued ribbon around the outer edge of the lid. Tied a bow out of the same ribbon and glued it onto the lid. Embellished the lid with a couple of flowers and buttons.
flower embellished formula can for childs bankAnd Voila! You have a fun little can for endless possibilities.
finished lid for formula can decorating
how to decorate a formula can for a bank for a child

Childs PVC Indoor Tent Tutorial with Felt Accessory's

A few weeks ago when Fireflies and Jellybeans announced this felt house along I was super excited because my 3 year old was turning 4 very soon. So me and hubby decided that this would be her gift this year. She has really been into making tents, but they are always such a huge mess and then she refuses to clean it up so lots of tears and unhappy moments soon follow...
Felt House for Girl Tutorial
(This side has a "frame" and some small pockets below the frame. Soon she will have tic tac toe and other games that she will be able to play on the frame. I am thinking that I will also make a face with different facial features and hair for her to decorate. All of this will definitely take time but I think she will like it more if she has a part in making that "stuff"

The big girl had her birthday last Saturday. So all 5 weeks of the felt house party got squished into 1 very long day. Friday we planned the tent out, we purchased the materials, and we sewed the house after everyone went to sleep.
Mailbox on Felt House for Child Indoor Tent made from PVC(This side is complete with a felt "chalkboard" I have made some letters that just need some velcro sewed onto them. The mailbox has a snap but it does not stay very well so here comes the velcro)
Front Door and Window with Flower Box for Felt House for Child Indoor Tent made from PVCAnd the front of the house includes a little window and a door with a curtain that can be held back with velcro if she wants.
This is the bag that it all fits into. She had no idea what she was opening. But man does she love her house :)

We did a few things differently than most (that really should not surprise anyone. Do you think I follow a recipe when cooking?)

Instead of using a card table (I was really surprise to find that they were really spendy like close to $50 whole bucks...a little out of my price range. ) we used PVC pipe.

We decided on the pvc cause we could make it any size we wanted. I was thinking along the lines of the same size as a cardtable, but hubby would not hear it. So we made it 60x60x53.

Now you are wondering why we did not do it 60x60x60. Well, home decor fabric measures 54 wide so with a seam allowance it would be a pain to add an extra 6 - 8 inches depending on the seams so we went with 53. It worked out really great. Perfect for her to have LOTS of space. The only problem is that the rest of us have no space with the house up. Its a bit big for inside the house, but if we had a huge basement then it would not be problem. Or if there was no longer SNOW outside it would be awesome.

We used home dec fabric because it was cheaper and it holds up well without attracting everything to stick to it.  Plus this fabric was just so dang cute. I think it turned out adorable. And to tell you all the truth, felt attracts EVERYTHING. I sew a lot and I know all those strings would stick to the felt like no bodys business. So that is why we decided on the Home dec fabric. It is actually outdoor fabric, so it is really durable and will be great to take outside this summer.

Oh and that bag that holds it all in is perfect size for everything and is barely short enough to fit into my trunk. So this house is definitely park worthy

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Fabrics can be found at:


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