Beaded Letter Tutorial by Embellishing Metal Letters | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Beaded Letter Tutorial by Embellishing Metal Letters

Beaded Letter Tutorial by Embellishing Metal Letters

Today I am going to share with you a simple thing you can do with metal or wooden letters.

My husband brought these letters home from a demo job that they did a couple of months ago. He immediately thought that I could spruce them up for our little girls (both of their names start with an A)Then I found these garlands of beads (you know those cheap mardi gras beads) at Michaels for $.20 each. I knew exactly what I could do with them

You will need some hot glue, some beads (you could also use black beans or something similar), large letters (I know that craft stores have these letters in wood, they would work great)

Glue the beads to the letter. I found that the best way to do this is to outline the letter with the beads, then fill in rest of the letter.
I even put beads on the sides (but not the bottom cause I don't know if I am going to have these stand up by themselves)

Spray paint the letters (and yes I could not wait til spring to do this :). I used regular spray paint and it started to peel off. I would recommend using plastic spray paint so this does not happen to you. You could also prime them first.
Now you have some really cute letters. Now what to do with those really cute letters?


Kaysi said...

Those letter are so cute! I bet you can get some cheap beads now that Mardi gras is over

Heidi said...

love that you painted these in the snow! the A's look adorable!

Kimberly said...

LOVE the letters! I have about a million bead necklaces, and I finally have a use for them!! Thanks for sharing!

So Sunny Day said...

I saw the photos with the finished product first and though "wow she must have patience, and a good eye to get those on straight one by one." then I read about your fab it to use the beads and am in LOVE with this idea!

~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

Haverford House said...

This is so great! Love how the "A" letters turned out, I feel your pain about spray painting in winter - I can't wait for warm weather! ~Marcy

Andrea said...

That is a GREAT idea! So cute!

Dawn said...

So cute!

You look like me out there spray painting on boxes in the snow! Hee hee!

Anonymous said...

very nice! love these!

Heather said...

Awesome idea, it turned out great! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

I love this!

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

very very fun! I love how the beads look on the letters!

Linds said...

STOP IT! I have a pile of Red and gold strands that I left out of my christmas box this year because I thought I should do something with em. AND NOW to see the TEXTURE it gave those letters makes me EXSTATIC!
THanks for the email :)

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