Earring Frame Tutorial | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Earring Frame Tutorial

Earring Frame Tutorial

This is a super cute Earring Frame! It is made from 1 Wire hanger and a mesh bag. If you use this tutorial I would love to see your creations! Send me a link :)Step 1: Gather your materials needed. 1 glue gun, 1 wire hanger, 1 mesh bag (or fabric that would be easy to poke the end of your earring through), 1 1/2 inch grosgrain ribbon, 1/3 yard of coordinating fabric (I used chiffon, but anything pretty much will work)

Step 2: Either cut or untwist the end of your hanger. Then bend it into a rectangle (or whatever shape you would like your bag to take on). I synched my bag closed, but do what works best for you
Step 3: Measure around your bag. Double this measurement. This measurement is for the ruffle to go around your "frame"
Step 4: cut strips of fabric 4 inches wide in the length that you need.
Step 5: Sew the strips together into one large circle

Step 6: Fold over the fabric and sew along the edge (I did not sew mine but you could)
Step 7: Hot glue the strip to your wire hanger frame. While you are glueing make sure to ruffle it. If you want to be exact then find the middle and glue on one corner. Then find the opposite side middle and glue that on the opposite corner and work your way around the frame. I really did not care and just started to glue. When I got close to the end I realized that I had not ruffled enough so I had to pull up some of what I had glued and ruffle it more.

Step 8: Glue your grosgrain ribbon onto the opposite side of the frame. This is going to be the front of your frame. You could pleat the ribbon or just do it straight.

Step 9: You are now complete and you MUST (wink, wink) send me a picture of your Earring Frame :)
Now you have a really fun Earring Hanger! You don't have to tell your friends that it did not cost you hardly anything.


Angie - treasuresfortots@gmail.com said...

What a cute idea! Come share your crafty creation at Thursday's Treasures!

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

WOnderful tutorial Bobbie! Thanks for linking! : )

Unknown said...

I am always amazed at how creative people are. I never would have thought of that. Great idea!! Thanks so much for linking! :)

Charity said...

I am going to try it, I need a better solution than I have. Thanks for the inspiration.

Tiffany said...

I have a ton of those bags! I just may need to do this! Thanks for sharing with me!

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

What a great idea! I could use this right now!

Becca said...

so clever!

Angie Holden said...

Hmmm...thinking about trying this one! Thanks!!

Anne said...

Very cute!

Angie@treasures for tots said...

I LOVE this - and I know a few tweens who would too!!

Thank you for linking on Thursday's Treasures!

Merry Makes.. said...

Mmm, I need somewhere to hang the earrings that I make. I have a piece of plain netting that would do just the trick. Let's see what I come up with and I'll send you a picture *wink wink* :)

Brooke Douglass said...

O mu 8 year old daughter would love this!!! I plan on making her one! Thank u, brooke
Girl Boy Girl Inspired

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Great tutorial!!! Love how pretty it is!

I would love it if you added this to our "Strut Your Stuff Sunday" link party!! And of course any other projects you'd like to share!! :) We appreciate it! Thanks for sharing!


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