How to Prevent Sewing Machines from Moving While Sewing | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Prevent Sewing Machines from Moving While Sewing

How to Prevent Sewing Machines from Moving While Sewing

I don't know if you have this problem too, but as I sew, my sewing machine will slowly move and bounce around.

So then, when I stop sewing, I have to push my sewing machine back into its place.  It happens with my serger too!
So annoying!

So here is my solution....

Yesterday, I had the idea to put shelf liner underneath it to keep it from moving around. Perfection! It works great for the serger and the sewing machine!

Now I no longer have to adjust my machine constantly every time that I stop sewing.

Plus, if you didn't know, sticking pins through the shelf liner as you are removing them from your project is a nice little bonus to having the shelf liner there.

I don't always remember to grab my pin catcher or want to stop sewing, stand up, and go get the pin cushion.  So this is my lazy way of using what I have where I'm at

Also, one more little bonus for you....if you are sewing on your nice dining room table, or other table you don't want to accidentally scuff up, this shelf liner will protect your table too!


Unknown said...

Brilliant! I have this problem, and I know I have a partial roll of that stuff around here somewhere - time to go hunt it down.

Lindsay @ Makely said...

Very smart!

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

Easy and effective! My favorite!

Thanks for linking!

Jen said...

Great idea! My sewing machine doesn't move, but I do have other appliances that do.

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