How to Make Wired Ribbon Flowers: The Simplest Flowers EVER | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Make Wired Ribbon Flowers: The Simplest Flowers EVER

How to Make Wired Ribbon Flowers: The Simplest Flowers EVER

This was one of my first tutorials.  It is still popular today.  I NEEEED to update it with new pictures, but that, as you all know, takes lots of time.  lol

I hope you enjoy this little tutorial on how to make wired ribbon flowers

Take 2" wired ribbon. Cut a piece as long as your arms

Pull out one wire.

On the other wire place tape at one end. The tape is to make sure that you don't pull the wire all the way through.

Pull the wire from the other end until the ribbon is all bunched up. Place tape on the end that you were pulling from right next to the ribbon. This will hold the ribbon all bunched up.

Place the ribbon in a circle. Mine completed 3 circles

Pull the one of the wire through the middle hole (in the middle of the circle)

Twist the wires together and remove the tape.

Hot glue the flower onto a ribbon lined clip.



Embellished Bayou said...

Cute, what a great idea!

Anne said...

Love it!!! I've been wanting to make some reusable decorations for Christmas gifts this year, and these ribbon flowers are perfect!

I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:


michelle@somedaycrafts said...

These are so cute! I've never known you could make cute hair bows with the wire ribbon. I am featuring this at Grab my "featured" button.

Nancy at said...

I would not have thought to pull just one wire. So cute and clever. I'll be making some.

Kim -today's creative blog said...

very cute.

Julie said...

This is so cool. Thank you for sharing. I like the idea of Christmas gift bows, especially since I'm making gift baskets this year. Great idea!!

Unknown said...

Oh I've got to try this. How pretty. Perfect for a little girls bow. Head on over and click my "Follow" button if you like what you see. This way we can inspire one another to get our creative juices flowing.

Disney said...

Super cute! I posted this on my sidebar today, so you're welcome to grab my featured button if you'd like!

SewCraftyMeg said...

What a cute idea! I have to try this too. I love wired ribbon and like to make bows for gifts. Thank you for sharing how to do this!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

Really cool projects! I've viewed them all and thought I'd comment on one to let you know how much I admire how crafty you are!

Thanks for linking them up to SNS!

FJ Donna

Michelle@ A Full Cottage said...

Awesome I can't wait to try this.

Tausha said...

I can not tell you how many time I have pulled the wire through and went oh CRAP! No, I will do it on purpose! Thanks so much for the inspiration! You rock! PS-I also have 3 girls-so they can never have enough hair accessories! I would love it if you came and visited. Love meeting and being inspired by new people!

Julianna said...

so cute! I'll have to try that!

Unknown said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Thank you!

Cindy said...

Cute! I have been wondering how that was done. Thanks! Hugs, Cindy S

cre8ivesky said...

So cute! How fun to pair it with the wings :) Thanks for sharing this- I have some ribbon I'm excited to try this with!

Diane said...

Just gorgeous! I want to make some of those.

I followed A vision to remember blog party to get here. Hope you will visit me sometimes over at Pittypat Paperie.

Zafran ali said...
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teryl2 said...

Thanks for sharing your talent. I love the flower it makes.

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