Pencil and Notebook Case Sewing Pattern by A Vision to Remember | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Pencil and Notebook Case Sewing Pattern by A Vision to Remember

Pencil and Notebook Case Sewing Pattern by A Vision to Remember

I don't know about you but my daughters are constantly carrying around crayons, pencils, markers, coloring books, Notebooks and anything else to feed their creative sides.  They love to color and draw!

This is my solution:  A Pencil and Notebook Case.  It is perfect for them to pack around all their coloring supplies and keep it nice and organized.  A Win-Win in my book!

Pencil and Notebook Case Sewing Pattern by A Vision to Remember This pretty coloring book case is now available in my Etsy shop

Front Cover of the Pencil and Notebook Case Pattern with Raw Edge Applique Flowers

I just adore the fun raw edge appliqued flowers.  They are perfect to add a little dimension to the case, plus its just stinking cute

How fun is that?
Inside Cover of the Pencil and Notebook Case

The pattern includes all the information that you will need to complete your own pencil and notebook case.  It also includes the pattern pieces for the appliqued flowers.

This pattern is a great project for the kiddos to try out!  My 7 year old daughter decided she wanted to give one a try.  Here is her version

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Fabrics can be found at:

3 comments: said...

I LOVE your projects! I was making a pencil case similar to this one and my machine broke =( It was a Singer bought at Costco - people tell me I need to invest in a better one, what do you think? Good luck in your show, I think you'll do great!

ooooo said...

Do you mind telling me wear I can find the pattern for the pencil case. I just adopted two little ones and I know they would love these.

Tara Lehman said...

Bobbie, this pencil and notebook case is super sweet. My daughter would love this! Thanks so much for sharing your project at Dream. Create. Inspire. Link. Take care, Tara

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