I am 32 weeks pregnant and I cannot find anything to help cover up my growing belly without going out and buying an entire new wardrobe!
The Simple Belly Band Pattern is available in my Etsy Shop
There are a few really awesome things about this pattern....
Its simple~ Thats the best part. Simple. Straight forward. Doesn't matter what size of a person you are, it gives you the measurements to figure out how to make it perfect for you...
- It gives simple instructions on how to add lace to the bottom of it, if you want. But its not a must. Just make sure you have access to stretchy lace. The first one I made, I didn't have stretchy lace, and it was a disaster. Seriously, a disaster.
- Its instant download. If I want to make something, I don't want to wait around for a designer to email me over a pattern, or to have to wait. At all. I need to work on it then, cause who knows when I will have a chance again?!
- You will save money-basic colors of knit fabric are fairly inexpensive $8-$9. I can get 2 maybe 3 belly bands out of each yard. Thats 2 belly bands for $9 (and if you have a coupon, its even better!) Can't beat that!
I made several different colors that are really cute belly bands for myself. I just could not get myself to pay $10-$30+ for a single belly band. I did not need them that much. So I found some stretchy fabric (swimsuit material works great as does t shirt type material, whatever is your preference).
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