10 Gallon Water/Beverage Cooler Jug Covers-Halloween Style | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: 10 Gallon Water/Beverage Cooler Jug Covers-Halloween Style

10 Gallon Water/Beverage Cooler Jug Covers-Halloween Style

Still dying over how cute these water coolers are that my mom made for her Halloween party.

Its amazing that something so ugly as an insulated beverage cooler....
can turn into something so stinking cute!  There are endless possibilities.  The beverage containers that we used are the 10 gallons, but the same concept would work for the 5 gallon ones.  

Ghost and Pumpkin
halloween water cooler covers

Aren't they adorable.  The ghost, the pumpkin, and of course Frankenstein. via Instagram http://instagram.com/p/ugBevBBQsG/

Frankinstein (can also be hulk or Ogre/Shrek) watercooler cover

FrankinJuice anyone?

Witch and Frankinstein
Witch and Frankinstein Water Cooler Cover

Pumpkin Watercooler cover

 Aren't those legs just do die for and the tutu?!?  Seriously!
witch watercooler cover

 I just love how these water cooler covers turned out.  They are amazing right??!?

My sister is going to be making patterns for each of the covers and coming up with new styles for different holidays and seasons, along with selling the finished item.  So if you are interested in getting a custom one made up, let me know and I will hook you up with her. 

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