Mango Jam Recipe | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Mango Jam Recipe

Mango Jam Recipe

I don't know about you, but I love Mango's.  But they are really only good a few months out of the year.  I wanted to preserve the taste for the entire year so I made Mango Jam.  This mango jam recipe is quick and easy and delicious.

Mango jam easy and quick recipe

In Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Nevada and maybe some other states we have this thing called Bountiful Baskets (which I totally LOVE). You can find out more about it here.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I purchased extra mangos. My hubby loves them (but he loves native ones not imported ones). Then last week we received mangos. My sister also gets a basket and they did not like mangos. So needless to say we had mangos growing out of our ears so to say.

Yesterday, I had to figure out what to do with 10-15 mangos. I found this recipe. It is a great mango jam recipes. Now I really am not a fan of mangos. I think they have a weird taste. So I really did not expect to like it.

I followed the recipe exactly. It is delicious! Especially on my MIL fresh homemade rolls
Mango jam easy and quick recipe
doesn't that look GOOD?

Mango Jam Recipe 

This is a great recipes. I might say that it is almost as good as the huckleberry jam that I made this fall

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